The reason to quit speed or coffee is NOT just to obtain a better QUALITY OF LIFE WITHIN OUR BODIES, but also within our minds. MINDS function better when both lobes are in balance. Stimulants only jack up the YANG BRAIN, verbal skills. The intuitive, feeling part of our soulular self gets lost in the stress and scrimmage. You end up with a fast heartbeat, overworked vagus nerve, high blood pressure, lack of ability to fall asleep early and also STAY asleep and get a full eight. You wake after 5 hours exhausted. Over the years, circles under the eyes, mental blur.

Iridologists can SPOT stress and brain damage on the iris of the eye. They can see what is only suspected, that stress 'reads' as damaged nerve tissue. When the damage is in the biggest bundle of nerve tissues we have, i.e. the brain, you have Alzheimer's disease. Terminal burn-out.

Caffeine is the greatest magnifier of tension and stress that humans have in generalized use, today. When tension rings are present in the iris, especially in the top part which represents the head, you have brain damage. You say anything that comes into your head. Folks around you start to think that you're an hysteric. You lose friends and family.

                  rings that iridology says is a result of caffeine.

Stress rings around the sides/bottom of iris --what we commonly call 'nerves.'

Caffeine is a product that is highly addictive. Once a user is habituated, he finds withdrawal pain hits hard, slams him  at the hint of discontinuance. If the user PERSISTS in quitting, using aspirin for a few days, he still is low in energy for a while so most of us don't quit. Or as MARK TWAIN said of Tobacco, "it's easy to quit. I've done it hundreds of times."

Caffeine is in sodas too, and the longer you continue to use caffeinated beverages, the harder it is to quit. The longer the use, the more painful and long the withdrawal period will be.

Caffeine works on the vagus nerve of the heart, increasing pulse, but that will weaken the heart muscle. Stimulants destroy nerves and maybe damage brain tissue. We know that tea and coffee damage the kidneys. Statistics tell us they give higher incidence of breast fibroids with caffeine addiction and that there's a deadening effect on the adrenals and pancreas that causes the energy lows that come daily, when the dose 'wears off.'

THE QUALITY OF LIFE OUTSIDE OUR BODIES. Envisualize an ordinary walk or drive through one day of your life, on JAVA. Recall the pace, the pressing, hurried feeling that you can't stop and smell the roses. Caffeine is a speed trip but it's one you can't get off of. You can't stop for a moment. Action, Mission. Goals press in on the mind. You find it impossible to sit without fidgeting and even harder to nap. Even if you do lie down, you're revved, talking to yourself.

You experience people as slow, tedious, tiresome, boring. You're full of impatience so end up with fractured human relationships. What is more subtle, you do not go into tender moods so others experience you as chatty Cathy, mental and witty but emotionally dead.

When the caffeine wears off, you're a zombie. Not a turned-on, warm,humorous, feeling ou but a thing-oriented, into survival you. Is it any wonder our pets, kids, parents, employees and lovers wince slightly when we come in? In the grip of 'speed,' we are helpless to slow down and be human.

The psychological body should rise up from and be dependent upon the organic, physical body. Every thought, reaction and word comes from our smooth nerves and flowing bodily hormones, or the lack of same.

Beautiful, healthy people have a radiant aura which attracts others on the subliminal level.

We thought we were increasing that body aura when we first started using caffeine. it gave us a rush of energy in our first doses. On the ten thousandth, we don't take it. It takes us. It grips us like a demon, like the Red Shoes making our exhausted bodies dance day and night in a jerky puppet parody of life so that we lose our birthright radiance.

Who needs this stuff? Not us! Not our pancreas, adrenals, bowels or brains. So quit. There are  herbs that work on the brain and bowel to help them function during the withdrawal period as well as herbs that work on the pancreas and adrenals to rebuild their ability to secrete adrenaline and insulin.


1. To clean coffee, tea or soft drinks out of the body it is necessary to alkalinize the diet for a few days with raw foods, greens, mono meals of fruit or whole grain products that will eliminate easily. Avoid milk, flour or diary foods. They are sticky and slow down the digestion. Avoid red meat or eggs as they putrefy easily and in a slow digestive tract like yours without coffee, give headaches.

2. Take an herbal laxative in mild dose, the night before you quit coffee. Get these at the healthful store to make certain they are gentle enough.

3. The morning of the Quit day, don't use your usual caffeinated drink, nor chocolate which contains caffeine and alkaloids. Use herbal teas. Continue your alkaline food diet. Try vegetarian proteins. The healthful store has ready made tofu and hummus dishes. If you must eat meat, combine it with salad, and peristalsis producing raw spinach is tops among these. Don't add starches which do not combine or digest well in the same meal as proteins.

4. Put plenty of olive oil, garlic, onion, cayenne, fresh chile, ginger on your proteins to aid in peristalsis, (interior intestinal wall movement) and prevent putrefaction, thusly avoiding headaches.

5.) Find herb caps at healthful store that will stimulate adrenals, pancreas and brain, (the burnt out victims of longtime caffeine use.) The clerk will help you find them. They have names like Mental, Bright Mind, Clarity, etc.

ADRENAL SUPPORT HERBS- licorice, uva ursi, juniper berries, dandelion, corn silk, golden seal, myrrh, desiccated adrenals from animals.

FOR LOW BLOOD SUGAR - Licorice (not the candy, the root) and its cousin, Fennel, sold in Italian markets. Golden seal, juniper, huckleberry, bistort, garlic, buchu, dandelion, marshmallow, capsicum, yarrow. GTF CHROMIUM helps hypoglycemics, diabetics mend. This supplement banishes food cravings.

SLUGGISH BRAIN HERBS- Gota-Kola, capsicum, ginseng, blessed thistle, black or blue cohosh, red raspberry, niacin, seaweed.

SLUGGISH HEART HERBS- Hawthorn berries and capsicum.

SLUGGISH THYROID - Irish moss, kelp, parsley, capsicum.

If you suspect hardening of the capillaries in the brain to be the cause of the desire you have for brain stimulation, your iris will reveal a hazy, white cloud at the top of the iris. You must use Dr. nat Pritkin's books to get rid of plaque in the arteries. This diet was done at his Institute to reverse extremely advanced heart disease. It entails no salt, lots of exercise, sweating, use of potassium. To get lymph to move, work out on a trampoline. Do shoulder stands. Have frequent back and shoulder rubs to break down the blockage that gets blood into the brain. Avoid so much cooked foods, which turns minerals inorganic. use lots of raw organic juices between meals, salads, fruit meals as they all melt plaque deposits.

Also, use supplements: Vitamin E oil, linoleic type unsat fatty acids with our salad meals, when oil is usually taken. Safflower is rich in this acid, flax seed oil and olive oil . Garlic and dandelion added to the diet are said to dissolve this hardened plaque.  Use lemon juice from ripe lemons, not vinegar. Take a garlic press and lay a cape of garlic on your bread and on your proteins. Dandelions grow wild everywhere. Collect/wash/bag them up in the fridge for salads. Juice the leaves with celery, carrots spinach. Drink juice between meals. A small amount of commercial pineapple juice can be added to make it more tasty, less like eating the front lawn.

There are other reasons we get into using caffeine. Some people instinctively know they'd be constipated without this persistalsis-inducing alkaloid. Take note of the length of time of digestion by eating corn or tomatos. How many hours does it take to see it depart? Ten, fifteen? When you quit, withdrawal gives a sludgey bowel. The food will take l8 hrs to depart. But when you are finished with withdrawal, you will eliminate as fast or faster than before, especially if you're eating lighter foods. The irdiologist can see the stains on the iris that indicate sluggish intestinal tract. These people should take a mild herbal laxative at bedtime and have a meal of a laxative fruit like black figs in summer, a spinach salad at dinner, perhaps bran in the morning grain meal. This light eating is easy to maintain as Coffee gives tremendous munchies. It gives a fast, lift to bloodsugar and then a big fall with deep munchies. We overeat when we are on the blood sugar roller coaster.

Another benefit of this diet is your eyes will change colors! Iridologists have noted that brown eyes change to green or gold if healthfoods are used in proper combinations. The brown color is simply toxicity.

There are many healthfood diets that will give you back your youthful energy. Ann Wigmore has her patients on raw foods only. Sprouts are eaten as a protein. They make burgers with sprouts and nuts. Pritikin has his people on no salt, caffeine, sugar, oils, meat. Adelle Davis with her l00+grms of protein a day is no longer considered trendy. Her Tiger's milk is constipating and sinusitis producing. New, vegan healthfood trends involve no milk products at all. Raw cottage cheese or multi culture yogurt occasionally as a treat.

When you go on the healthfood diet, the white markings on blue eyes which are mucus will depart; the clouds which are inorganic salt will go, too.

HOW TO USE HERBS- If you buy bulk, make teas. Bring water almost to a boil. turn off, stir in herbs with a chopstick, cover and let steep 15 minutes. Store teas in fridge, sealed in cans. Ancient Chinese brought water to 155 degrees, between a bath and a boil, to steep fine teas.

LICORICE and FENNEL both soothe the pancreas, banish low blood sugar munchies. An INFLAMED PANCREAS will give us HARDCORE MUNCHIES.   Fennel grows wild, everywhere. Licorice ROOT you must get at an herb vendor. Dig up the roots with a spade, wash, dry. Use as needed in tea. Chew the leaves swallowing the saliva. Throw away the wad. Farm grown Fennel is a salad ingredient. The Stem cuts like celery.. The wild kind is hard to incorporate. Stem will not cut. Grab a bundle, throw it thru the juicer with celery.

Fennel, like licorice, is an appetite killer, good for weight loss. It is a blood sugar lifter. It banishes hunger during a fast. Get some seeds, grow in all the blank spaces in your garden or on your street.

POWER FOODS: Forage for edible wild greens. MALLOW or MALVA simmered in the lst minute of soup making, energizes.Four handfuls reduce into a few bites of silky greens. Calves liver or Beef Liver have 20 times the B-Spectrum as other sources. Fry very lightly in onions. A delight. Investigate other power foods like Raw Sunflower seeds, but make sure HEALTHFOOD store refrigerates them. TOFU is a B spectrum food, tasty in vegieburgers. ALL of these give super energy.

Do you really want to quit CAFFEINE? Ask yourself. What was I like before caffeine? And now after years of using it?  Have I tried quitting? What was that like? Take your resting pulse now and take it again, a week after quitting. It will be much lower and that is healthy! FAST pulses are a sign of trouble. Last, think of the hours of sleep you could get in the old days, before caffeine.  Ten, eleven even. You will be amazed at how much longer and deeper you can sleep without coffee in your body, and the CHEMICAL  is in there, deep in your bowel being reabsorbed and shortening sleep. Even if you drank it this morning, at midnight it's down in the last curls of the bowel BEING ABSORBED by bloodstream, agitating your sleep.

Not to mention that most industrial coffee makers have carcinogenic tungsten filaments in the heating elements so that the drink can cause pancreatic cancer.