It appears there's this acid in all grains, pulse called PHYTATE which ingested, creates mineral excretion in mammals. See:

So how come all cows eat grains? Well farm cows do in the feed lot as it is fat producing. in nature they are eating GRASS and hay and field stubble. But farmers like grain as it puts on heft. GRAINS MAKE US FAT? WHO KNEW?

"Never Eat Beans, Wheaties, or Corn Muffins
I found this anti-soy article on the following website: The author writes:

"Like all beans, soybeans contain an anti-nutrient called 'phytic acid'. However, soybeans have higher levels of
phytic acid than any other legume. Phytic acid may block the absorption of certain minerals, including magnesium,
calcium, iron and zinc." Like all beans? In other words, one should not eat beans? "May" block? Let's set the record straight regarding phytates. Are Wheaties Hazardous to Your Health? Of course not, but some people would have you believe otherwise. Wheaties cereal contains phytates. phytates do cause mineral excretion.

Dairy producers see soymilk as the new kid on the block, and they are running scared. Their strategy is to spread rumors about soy because it contains phytates. Perish the thought, phytates? Quick, induce vomiting. Call Poison Control ? Where's the stomach pump?

Breakfast of Champions

One bowl of cereal (portion size is defined on the side of a box of Wheaties) is equal to: 3/4 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup of milk. If the soy naysayers are correct, and if you enjoy a bowl of Wheaties for breakfast, that single portion of cereal will contain more than 2.5 times the amount of phytates as will the soymilk used to moisten that breakfast of champions.

The Internet Soy Bashers -- Dr. Anthony Mercola writes:

"Soybeans are high in phytic acid...It's a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals... Scientists are
in general agreement that grain- and legume-based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries. Analysis shows that calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are present in the plant foods eaten in these areas, but the high phytate content of soy- and grain-based diets prevents their absorption."

Sally Fallon director of the Weston Price Foundation echoes
Mercola's lack of wisdom (almost word for word):

"Soybeans are also high in phytic acid or phytates....which blocks the uptake of essential minerals-calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc-in the intestinal tract. Scientists are in general agreement that grain and legume based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries. Analysis shows that calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are present in the plant foods eaten in these areas, but the high phytate content of soy and rice based diets prevents their absorption."

A website registered in New Zealand offers similar disinformation. Soy Online Service (should be re-named Soy
Offline Disservice). In a column titled "SoyToxins," they write:

"There's plenty yet that you didn't know about soy! Soy contains several naturally occurring compounds that are
toxic to humans and toxins such as phytic acid...have the ability to target specific organs, cells and
enzyme pathways and their effects can be devastating....As with any toxin there will be a dose at which negative
effects are not observed. Soy Online Services have examined the scientific data on the soy toxins and have uncovered several alarming truths...There is no legislation to protect consumers from soy toxins in raw soy products...all soy products, no matter how well treated, contain low to moderate levels of soy toxins; processing cannot remove them all of any of them."

Since soymilk is the bone of contention, let us analyze its phytate content to serve as a baseline for comparison to wheat products. Charts contained on pages 30-34 of Food Phytates (edited by Rukma Reddy and Shridhar Sathe, CRC Press, ISBN # 1-56676- 867-5) reveal: The percentage of phytates in soymilk is listed as 0.11%.

Wheat has been called the "Staff of Life."

Durum wheat contains 8 times more phytates than soymilk

Whole wheat bread contains almost 4 times more phytates than
soymilk (0.43%).

Wheaties, contain nearly fourteen times more phytates than
soymilk (1.52%).

Let's use common logic here. If wheat contains more phytates than soymilk, then wheat should not be eaten either, right? What a silly claim soymilk detractors make. It is without merit.

A typical portion of breakfast cereal consists of two ingredients, cereal & milk. The proportions: three-quarters
of a cup of Wheaties weighs 22.5 grams. One-half cup of soymilk weighs 122.5 grams. Ergo, the wheaties contain 342 milligrams of phytates. The soymilk contains 135 milligrams of phytates.

Now, let's get to the point of this. In their introduction and summary of the scientific substantiation to follow, the
authors of Food Phytates write:  "Recent investigations have focused on the beneficial effect of food phytates, based upon their strong mineral-chelating property...The beneficial effects include lowering of serum cholesterol and triglycerides and protection against certain diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, renal stone formation, and certain types of cancers."

So you see, phytates are healthy for you. Phytates represent
a prime example of using food for medicine.

Of course, if you happen to believe all of the negative soy
hype, skip the Wheaties. Skip the soymilk. You can always
have a corn muffin, right? Let's go to the phytate chart.
What percentage of corn bread is phytates? Oh, no. Corn
muffins contain twelve times the percentage of phytates as
soymilk, or 1.36%. An extra-large 6-ounce corn muffin (168
grams) contains 228 milligrams of phytates, midway between
the (3/4 cup) Wheaties and (1/2 cup) soymilk.

So, take your pick. All of this anti-phytate rhetoric is
either A) serious stuff B) ridiculous propaganda.

Jack sold the family cow. He should have been awarded the Nobel Prize.
He next planted a bean, climbed up the stalk, killed a dangerous
Goliath, and then came back to earth with a goose who laid golden eggs.

Today we find many people attempting to warn Jack not to plant that
magic bean. Their advice: Don't climb the beanstalk! It's dangerous up
there in the clouds.

As more and more soymilk is consumed, replacing America's love affair
with cow's milk, more and more soy detractors appear, cursing the
miracle bean that will one day destroy the dairy industry.

Nations consuming the largest amounts of soy enjoy the lowest rates of
the big five: cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, asthma, and diabetes.(Note that may be as they are assiduous in sidestepping all environmental toxins, pursuing high vegie/fruit diets.)

Nations consuming the greatest amounts of milk and dairy products,
conversely, have the highest rates of those five horrible diseases.

Soy detractors are turning over rocks, looking for something creepy,
crawly, and slimey to blame on soy products.

Their latest claim is that soymilk contains phytates. Oh, perish the
thought, phytates? Quick, induce vomiting. Call Poison Control. Where's
my stomach pump?

Even some vegetarians are knocking phytates. Beware of soymilk, they
warn. It's got phytates. Aaaaaagh.

In order to fully understand the horrible dangers presented by phytates,
I began a scientific investigation of the issues. That led me to
purchase a book containing the very latest in phytate information,
appropriately named Food Phytates (edited by Rukma Reddy and Shridhar
Sathe, CRC Press, ISBN # 1-56676-867-5). I purchased my copy from Chips
Books: 979-263-5683.

I've learned quite a bit about phytates, and while I do not claim to be
America's phytate expert, I now recognize that phytates may be the 21st
century's miracle cure-all.

Critics of soymilk claim that phytates inhibit calcium absorption, and
should be avoided. Pages 30-34 of Food Phytates contain charts revealing
phytate contents in various foods.

Since soymilk is the bone of contention, I chose its phytate content to
serve as a baseline for comparison to other foods.

The percentage of phytatees in soymilk is listed as 0.11%.

I've selected twelve other commonly eaten foods for comparisons. Durham
wheat, brown rice, corn, oats, white rice, whole wheat bread, corn
chips, peanuts, kidney beans, cashews, almonds, and America's "Breakfast
of Champions," Wheaties.

Let's use common logic here. If any of these foods contain more phytates
than soymilk, they should not be eaten, according to soy/phytate
detractors, right?

Well, each food listed contains greater amounts of phytates than
soymilk. Here are the factors:

Durham wheat contains 8 times more phytates than soymilk (0.88%).

Brown rice contains more than 8 times the amount of phytates as does
soymilk (0.89%).

Corn contains nearly 7 times more phytates than soymilk (0.75%).

Oats contain nearly 4 times as many phytates as does soymilk (0.42).

White rice contains double the amount of phytates as does soymilk

Whole wheat bread contains almost 4 times more phytates than soymilk

Corn chips contain double the amount of phytates when compared to
soymilk (0.24%).

Peanuts contain almost 10 times more phytates than soymilk (1.05%).

Kidney beans contain 8 times more phytates than soymilk (0.89%).

Cashews contain almost 6 times as many phytates as soymilk (0.63%).

Almonds contain 12 times more phytates than soymilk (1.35%).

Wheaties, contain nearly fourteen times more phytates than soymilk

Now, let's get to the point of this. In their introduction and summary
of the scientific substantiation to follow, the authors of Food Phytates

"Recent investigations have focused on the beneficial effect of food
phytates, based upon their strong mineral-chelating property...The
beneficial effects include lowering of serum cholesterol and
triglycerides and protection against certain diseases such as
cardiovascular diseases, renal stone formation, and certain types of

Jack's beanstalk may produce the miracle beans to cure mankind of
illness. These beans contain plant stearols and protease inhibitors,
lignans, saponins, and phytates. The goose laying golden eggs is the
soybean. Plant your dietary foundation today by making soy a major part
of your diet.

If you do not already have a SoyToy, call 888-NOT-MILK (668-6455) or
visit the SoyToy website:

Make soymilk for just 4 cents per quart. Convert soy beans into soups
and burgers for your family. Stretch your food budget while improving
your health. Sell the cow as Jack did.

PRO PHYTIC: IP-6, alias 'inositol hexaphosphate', alias 'phytic acid' is actually being reported as something that seems to help stop cancer, even that of the liver that is notoriously difficult to control. Phytic acid can deplete the body of important minerals, but it may be more important to us in today's polluted world that it ties of metal toxins. For example, aluminum exposure is pervasive and aluminum phosphates are notoriously insoluble. Aluminum in a complex with phytic acid should be pretty much unabsorbable. Hence, phytic acid will probably help remove metal toxins from our bodies. I use it as a supplement with my DE to keep my load of toxic metals in my body low. All my health problems have gone away in the past year and I had about a dozen of them. I can now pick people up in my arms and do deep knee squats when I couldn't use my left elbow a year ago and walking down to the corner store was an exercise in pain in my left knee. My most recent driver's license picture even looks "younger" than the one I had five years ago.  As near as I can tell there is a deluge of misinformation about soy products that are probably mostly coming from competing product manufacturers, roasted soybeans still being one of the most interesting dietary supplements available for a variety of reasons. Check out our new guide for subtle ways of increasing dietary cysteine, besides eating more roasted soybeans, .