JUPITER --YOUR FOUNTAIN OF TRUTH, your Magical Leprechaun, your POT OF GOLD in 2009

In India, they call the planet Jupiter by the name "Gu-ru"which literally means dispeller of darkness. JUPITER rules the principles of truth which will always conquer ignorance. It informs with wisdom and thusly provides an appropriate path, abundance and luck.

Jupiter is the ruler of the 9th sign, Sagittarius and is, in its generic sense, a 9th house planet so it operates thru what you are advised to do by wiser people and what you are taught.It finally becomes what YOU TEACH. But the lord of your own 9th house is also what you teach and whom you learn from.

In a way, truth, wisdom and teachers are always the path to luck. True information can be genuinely helpful at mapping a speedy road to your greatest success! If you want abundance and luck you must seek out the Jupiter 'principle' in your universe, which operates as a beam of information (hopefully falling on listening ears). That luck beam will come as a specialized kind of subtle instruction which your own, unique LIFE PATH requires you trust in and remember to observe.

The JUPITER message will involve 'laws', principles which are a higher type of data approaching the metaphysical like folk wisdom, common sense, hunches, even superstition.. With reason, Jupiter and its home sign Sagittarius are involved with BELIEF systems.

When you find your own, unique JUPITER FOUNTAIN OF TRUTH and learn to put out your antennae and listen for hints which involve achievement, knowing this information won't be based on muscle, it will be based on  faith, then you will develop wisdom. You will observing subtle, metaphysical laws that support you, move you forward quickly. You'll bathe in the fountain's shower of principles and, as you develop that subtle, heightened cognition and locate your TRUTH BEAM SOURCE, you will lay hands on the Magic Leprechaun of luck and find your own Pot of Gold and that is what Jupiter is about!

OK. We're going to make the RULES for the LOCATING, TRAPPING, CARE AND FEEDING OF MAGICAL, kindly, gold-finding JUPITER LEPRECHAUN. Get out your pen and write down the basic formula, based on your own natal horoscope.

In the natal chart, the house that Jupiter rules or 'comes from', is the source of wisdom. That would be the house or houses where Sagittarius sits in the natal chart. That's where your teachers are going to appear.

Next we analyze the sign JUPITER IS in, and what that sign means to the planet Jupiter. he has a will of his own. He's happiest in his own home sign, in his own first house -- in Sagittarius but that only happens during one year in twelve, so how does he feel about his trip through the other 11 houses?

Last, analyze the house that JUPITER occupies in your own, natal chart..

Jupiter spends one year in each sign so to some extent, we should consider where JUPITER was at the time of this writing, 2009.. as its mood changes in its own transits. A year back, JUPITER WAS IN CAPRICORN so it manifested as 'where's the money? How solid is my career? Is there a better career out there for me?  CAPRICORN is the GOAT and he climbs to one peak then another, with sure footing, always making a path toward the best site for green grass.

When in CAPRICORN, Jupiter is in its own 2nd house. It's a materialistic placement in tone with an increasing realization that we're in tight times. A Capricorn motif as Saturn its ruler is an INSUFFICIENCY planet, the exact OPPOSITE of JUPITER in NATURE so Jupiter is called 'weak' here. Ambitious, worried about if maybe the green grass is drying up, Saturnine all of a sudden. That was 2008.

THIS YEAR:  2009, JUPITER is  in AQUARIUS so it will manifest as being in its own third house, the house of classrooms, writing, opinion making. Aquarius is a communal sign so the impulse is to create an activist group and rattle a few cage bars thru activism. People responded well to the Wall Street Crash and did picket Wall Street. BLOGGERS came out of the woodwork as the third house works as an information group that publishes, writes or teaches. So a group website doing activist work out of a living room group will open the doors of your social life, mind and pave the way for your becoming a consultant for a living and not just in your living room!

LIVING ROOM CONSULTANCY TEACHING groups can be fun. In 2009, perhaps you made your home a convivial Jupiter in Aquarius place ... a boarding house or a club / monthly party where singles meet, where food is served. Information will be shared, new alliances made. Aquarius gives social evolution, humanitarian, progressive ideas to the group, so lecturers, discussions may be a feature of it. And change in the world a result of it.

Where is your JUPITER can be determined by CASTING YOUR OWN NATAL CHART. Once you get a rising sign, WHAT DOES JUPITER RULE?

ARIES RISING - You have Sagittarius inside the 9th house of teachers so you benefit more than most of us from the presence of a Guru but do you have one?  Probably NOT. ARIES is an independent loner. They want to do everything their own way so your habit is NOT to knock at some guru's door yet the ARIES rising native who avidly seeks out specialists, coaches, teachers, avuncular people (aunts/uncles) is an ARIES who will find his pot of GOLD. FOR FURTHER DEFINING, look at what SIGN CURRENT TRANSITING JUPITER IS IN, and which of your HOUSES it's in. At time of this writing, AQUARIUS so  you'd find better teachers, and nearly free, in living room activist groups. Jupiter is in your 11th house (Friends, groups, clubs, unions, brotherhoods this year so any LIVING ROOM GROUP or CHURCH BASEMENT group you create will work.

TAURUS RISING - You smile at everyone, enjoy everyone equally and are the cosmic sweetie pie at all times but sweet as pie ain't necessarily RICH! And nobody can spend like a TAURUS what with meals out, supermarket grocery bills, houses with big, lush gardens. You need more than you have. Here are the astro-reasons for not having it:  Sagittarius occupies your 8th house.  The 8th house is a complex house. It's can symbolize the transaction that links two partners, the "I comp you, and you comp me" principle. And it's investors, the folks who fund you.  So you get lucky when you have such arrangements yet you are wary of all partnerships as you've seen how (when PLUTO rules your house of partners) their word is about as good as trying to grow lettuce in July. JUPITER is in AQUARIUS now  2009 so it's in your 10th house of career. So fund your way to the career you want.

But persist in using the power of the 8th house which does not represent a person, it represents a treaty about sharing. The 8th house is the SCORPIO energy, it is what can knock you down and make you need to pick yourself up and learn a new mode of being. Your teacher is actually the stroke of catastrophe or luck, often from the broken fiat with a partner.

Bulls are creatures of habit. When a BULL finds green grass, he remembers that luck, that place and does the comfy thing, repeating his lush pasturing habits. When he finds himself in a parched field overnight, due to overusing resources, that's the catastrophe. Nobody learns better from it than a TAURUS RISING. You have seen everybody's CASH-catastrophe and can tell us the mythology of lost fields, green fields and. parched ones. I don't feel that anybody guides you as much as experience and learning to recognize what's unreliable in people and that keeps you from partnering and then you don't have luck. The TAURUS RISING loves import/exports/ gorgeous artisanry so open your eyes to the import export business doing it with partners you adore, part of your CHUMCLUSTER.

THE GEMINI RISING NATIVE is someone fascinated with data, a quick researcher, typist, writer, interested in other peoples' good ideas,  a roamer, not a homer. You would hate sitting in an office all day even if it were your own home. But at least if it's at home, you can leave when you want. You have Sagittarius inside the 7th house of partners so there's nobody luckier than you when you hook up in marriage or business partnership as then that person becomes your permanent guru. When you're young the 7th house represents your grand parent who gave you wisdom and perhaps even a generous patrimony. (Astrologers have a house for everyone you know. The 1st and 7th rule the parents of your parents who are symbolized by the 4th and 10th houses, so the 1st and 7th shows THEIR parents.) Later in life the 7th house becomes the spouse. I've noted that people who have a terrific relationship with a grandparent go on to marry and communicate well with the mate and have a good marriage. Jupiter will be in your 8th house this year, meaning PARTNERSHIP MONIES, dual resources, inheritance possibilities are strong and so are the chances of GETTING INVESTED IN, so write up a prospectus.  This year  2009, Jupiter is in your 9th house of foreign travel so think of a business involved with  IMPORT EXPORT BIZ, and you can use CRAIGS list to reach out to agents in FOREIGN COUNTRIES.

CANCER RISING -   Jupiter rules the sixth house as you have Sagittarius in the sixth house of work/ job and servants, coworkers that you meet and befriend on the job, also personal clients. Cancer, I call you MOONCHILD, as a rising sign gives a LUNAR ruler and Moon determines everything about you, so we need to see where it was day of your birth. But knowing that JUPITER rules the sixth house means the folks you hire, your servants, workers, your clients are lucky for you and the JOB is lucky for you. Thru these items will come  abundance. CLIENTS are lucky for you and frequently they advise you, tip you off. The sixth sign Virgo symbolizes subservient people of lower status than yourself. Your own workers. They are lucky for you! Luckily you were always sensitive and kind even though you did not know that  you had to listen to them for subtle cues? The little people are immensely useful for you. PAY ATTENTION.

JUPITER is transiting your 8th house of partnership finances, the cash you share, the fiat by which you share. Both placements tell us that you're doing the right things to be wealthy. YOUR GURU is a model of sensitivity to the feelings of others and leads you to a career that involves ADVISING people related to family life and emotions. The psychologist role suits you.

LEO RISING You have Sagittarius in your fifth house of love, ruling or symbolizing those you adore. This is the house of fun, creativity (arts) games, parties, celebrating, romance and babies so your LUCKY GURU can be your SWEETHEART when you're young but later in life, it's the CHILD. Or the work of art, what you create. So go grab that old dusty novel you were writing, which is on the shelf or grab the beloved's arm and ask them to be l00% candid with you. Don't you just hate it when the son is wiser than the father? But it happens! By transits, Jupiter is in your house of partnership, marriage, getting a biz partner. PUBLIC life also. Your creativity goes toward BEING IN PUBLIC.

VIRGO RISING -  You have Sagittarius in the  FOURTH house ergo MOTHER/ MOM or family will always tell you the truth and that will make you lucky. You probably know that fact is so. Being sensitive, avoid confrontations with Mom when you should be seeking her goodwill, intuition and advice.  Mom and the family can be trusted. Mom is always right. Engrave that on your mind. JUPITER is currently in your sixth house of work, job,  in AQUARIUS of connections, networking, friends, clubs unions . What does that say to you? Create a personnel agnecy off a telephone message machine, a business

LIBRA RISING- You have Sagittarius in the third house of siblings, learning, schools, classrooms. Your brother or sister may have their own weaknesses, as Sag can be indulgent but they sure have you clocked. Their advice is always solid gold. The siblings have this LUCK- ATTRACTING destiny so hook up with them in a family business. VENUS is the source of fun, that's you, and now this year you're in AQUARIUS (clubs, groups, brotherhoods,) and in your fifth house of parties, so give PARTIES FOR A LIVING. Third house could make the party an infomational seminar, too.

SCORPIO RISING - You have Sagittarius in the 2nd house of money so it does not rule a person. NOBODY tells Scorp Rising native where his luck is. You yourself know that it's in having a fat bank account, a big car, plenty of plastic, spiffy duds and a rich mate. You've spent recent years working on all these as you have your ruler PLUTO in the house of money for the last decade. JUPITER CURRENTLY TRANSITS: Jupiter your money ruler is in AQUARIUS in your fourth house of home/ family so you can pick up a PIECE of real estate on a JUPITER diamond day.

SAGITTARIUS RISING- You are your own best teacher. But this gift you have makes you everybody else's best teacher too so VALUE your time. Your ruler is in AQUAIRUS in 2009, your own third hosue so it's easier than ever to TEACH SEMINARS, give classrooms even if in the LIVING ROOM, and your teaching is your pot of Gold. CHARGE. DO PROGRESSIVE DISCUSSION GROUPS. Stop being so connected to your student by affinity that you  give it away. Become a mentor.

CAPRICORN RISING - The 12th house holds Sagittarius so Jupiter comes from the house of enemies who are actually your lucky counselor and treasure map provider. We all know you: Saturn as a ruler means that you will not tolerate anybody telling you off. You hate them immediately. They instantly become your enemies. All they were doing is what's natural to them, telling you the truth so stop blocking them. Your enemies are your best friend! GO CONSULT them and you'll find your luck! Try this experiment. Who do you really loathe? Take them out to lunch and casually, consult them about something. That'll be your treasure map! JUPITER is in the house of money this year, 2009, so you are in a CASH UPSWING.

AQUARIUS RISING - Sagittarius rules your 11th house of friends, brotherhoods, groups or clubs. Join one and you meet and make friends. These people bring you the wisdom to have abundance. JUPITER friends/groups show up in your FIRST HOUSE as JUP is in AQUARIUS now. Anything pals bring you works.

PISCES RISING - Sagittarius is in the 10th house of parent, authority, boss. Jupiter rules your parent or boss. This is the perfect placement as you naturally want to consult the authority figure and being a mutable sign, you will obey. JUPITER luck comes from there and zooms down to your 12th house of CHARITIES, so create your own nat'l charity, start in your city.

Now, if you know what sign your natal JUPITER was in, we can refine the reading, kick it up a notch!

When JUPITER is NATALLY in ARIES your teacher emphasizes fitness, strength of body and also IDENTITY and self evaluation ISSUES. He asks: "Why aren't you the winner, the star? What obstacles keep you from allowing yourself to be number one?" He'll talk to you as if he were Rocky's trainer. If you have this placement, you've heard your guidance person talking like that. It's not crass. He wants to communicate the fact that self-image, what you know about yourself is somehow paramount and will be communicated by osmosis to the world and affects your success. Another feature is that this Jupiter placement in ARIES is in its own fifth house of creativity, games, fun, recreation, even sports. The 5th is also fine arts and romance. In these areas you've probably noted that 'belief in the self' is indeed THE key to success. Your teacher has stressed that. You've heard them go on about that. Your JUPITER PATH lights up when you AFFIRM 'I am creative, I am a winner. I am fast in sports. I am unique. I can lead others. I have the gift. I am the best. I am numero uno."

When JUPITER is NATALLY in TAURUS (the sign of food and money) remember that JUP is in its own sixth house. Your guru has a job and finds that is what gives the money and advises the same to others.. When your natal JUPITER is transited, you find yourself  thinking about all the teaching and lore given you about HOW TO GET BIG  money from others. How to charge more, how to change your prices so they're more in line with what you deserve. Your JUPITER PATH lights up when you charge more by upgrading your work and when you use the occult principles. Feng Shui your enviornment, invigorate and energize with raw juices, foods like salad, which TAURUS the bull needs!.  Sixth house is a house of service, working for and caring for others. Your teacher's ruler, Jupiter is exceptionally interested in FEEDING others and is a greta cook, will  remember birthdays, cook for your party. You want to make your GURU HAPPY? Cook for them or  take the GURU out to dine. They will  teach you how to cook, conserve money, be frugal, get you rmoney's worth in life. From them, you will learn  how to keep a job and deal elegantly, kindly with co-workers which JUP does when it's own sixth house. And in a generic sense, Jup is in its own 6th when it's in TAURUS.

When JUPITER is NATALLY in GEMINI, it's in its own partnership house and your GURU has told you that communication lines between two people can always stand optimizing. That was their view and they were a model of that themselves, being clear communicators.  TWO minds focusing on anything and sharing ideas is a joy. It's fun.  Your JUPITER PATH lights up when you use Jupiter hours to sit eye to eye, maybe over a meal, and share vision, truth, perceptions, opinions, but best of all, goals. Affinity and agreement can happen over a hamburger!

WHEN JUPITER is in MOONCHILD, it's got that emotional, gentle, loving tone which is a gift that gives you the ability to move gracefully into people's minds and affections. JUPITER is SITTING in its own 8th house. The 8th house rules the partner's money but not the partner! It rules the fiat between two partners, the promise at best, but at worst, empty promises, seducers, lovers but not mates. So that GURU you have is described as someone who is able to acess your chances of getting cash from others, whether inheritance, alimony or via business partnerships. He thinks like an accountant.  There are also different levels of ethics to this house. Some stargazers feel the 8th is the house of greed so make certain your accountant, lawyer or counselor isn't stripping your estate. JUPITER attracts money catastrophe in the 8th but good ole Teflon Jupiter doesn't mind a loss or mistake as the 8th house energy is also the gateway to 'rebirth.' It gets knocked down, it gets up. The mythological Phoenix powers of the 8th house get leaner, meaner and smarter after a good dunking. The 8th house loves the occult, astrology and rejuvenation sciences like healthfoods.   Holism is quasi occult, and the 8th house recognises occult POWER SOURCES like spinach salad and raw nuts.) This is a materialistic sign; the 8th house wants what the other person and has the ability to get the partner's money, to inherit. So your JUPITER would be awakened by the LUCK IN LOVE course for gals, which teaches them HOW TO MARRY WELL. When planets transit your JUPITER in MOONCHILD, you end up with everybody's real estate and money. But Watch out for a negative planet affecting this same Jupiter for then financial excesses cause the opposite to happen and you get skunked! Your teacher is your own radar forseeing for you if X person will leave you a legacy, or if X person will pay his debts to you, or even his bill for services rendered. Last, your guru has intuition about which field to SEED to get THE BIG MONEY

Your teacher's ruler, Jupiter is exceptionally nurturing and feeling in this sign and appreciates the buffer that family life can be and actually attracts it as JUPITER is EXALTED here. That teacher can become your MOM in a way, They will  teach you how to be good at family relationships. You will learn  how to nurture, and through them, you learn to return that energy. BEST GETOGETHER: cook for them sit in the kitchen together. Or take the GURU out to dine.  You're good at jobs like daycare, nursing, real estate, home finder agencies Your JUPITER PATH lights up when you nurture everyone as if you were a caring member of their family.

WHEN JUPITER is NATALLY in LEO it is in its own 9th house of wisdom. This is like the teacher going to the well to draw up a bucket of wisdom and ending up realizing it's what he wants to teach to others. The 9th house show sthat your TEACHER goes to the well often. That is HIS teacher. The sign LEO symbolizes risk and creativity combined. That is what people do when they go out on a limb for something they believe in . It's part faith, part taking a gamble and part aspiration. Henry Ford took a gamble working on the Model T weekends as he had a great job with Thomas Edison. And then he took a gamble leaving Edison to pursue the MODEL T on his own. Bill Gates took a risk leaving college to work on silly boxes in his garage and borrowing money from Dad to investigate these gizmos. Your JUPITER PATH lights up when you take gambles and are creative at once.

WHEN JUPITER IS IN VIRGO it is in its own tenth house of career, in a sign that is interested in a salary, working for a living. Often the row he hoes is not his own. He serves and Virgo rules service and workers. Your teacher has placed himself in a smart but subservient role and thru that role RISES to the top.Your JUPITER PATH lights up when you use the mutability of the planet and the sign and make like a grasshopper, leaping around the game board. Your gift is that you won't get stuck in a bad job. You spot and leap to the job that best expresses your interests. As VIRGO is mutable, you will move if the melon starts to wilt on the vine.

WHEN  Jupiter is in LIBRA- It is in its own 11th house of FRIENDS, parties, clubs, brotherhoods. GROUPS. Community linkage. Here is where you shine and pick up best and luckiest contacts. You learn things that widen horizons.

When JUPITER is in SCORPIO- it is in its own 12th house. This house rules at BEST, money thru death, inheritance. Afflicted, that Jupiter can be your nemesis, what you do that drags you down. (Scorpio is the passions, sensuality, anything that you unconsciously feel will kill you as you are in the grip of SUICIDAL feelings.) As in the diabetic who does a pint of Ben & Jerry's. But at best, 12 house is the house of charity. SCORPIO is FREUDIAN ANALYSIS, psychology, taking a pig's ear and transforming it into a silk purse. Work with the mentally disturbed. Also 12th rules hospitals. MONKS, monasteries, nuns, religious institutions. It can be the radiologist, X Rays being SCORPIO OR PLUTONIC. JUPITER is your teacher, perhaps your teacher has the gift of showing you where charity is effective, and can be salaried, even.

When JUPITER is in SAGITTARIUS - Your teacher is a prophet, sees the future. JUPITER is in its own solar first house so he SHINES as a wise man. He's not only the best teacher you can get, he's his own best teacher. That person is the luck amulet for others. Take him to a party and you have luck. If your chart has this placement, your TEACHER really spots what's coming, predicts what will happen to you. Any field he focuses on, he will be able to predict what will happen next. You could take him to the track, the casino or build a consultancy business around him.

When Jupiter is in Capricorn- It is in its own second house of money. Your teacher is a money maker and probably wants to charge you. His career is in the money industry, so getting your banker to advise you might be your lucky

When Jupiter is in Aquarius - It is in its own third house of studies, classrooms. Information groups. The tenor of Aquarius information is reformist, Utopian, progressive info leading to change. Your teacher is a firebrand. I think of George Bernard Shaw. His groups. They created the socialist welfare system in Britain where Dickensian poverty was endemic.

When JUPITER is in PISCES- it is in its own fourth house of the unconscious. The abundance principle. This teacher is easily fulfilled, humble, spiritual, accepting. He has no need to walk the streets and chat. He can stay at home and be silent, so you'll find him hidden away from the madding crowd, strumming a guitar or doing the simple chores of life. He teaches this meditative, quiet path.

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