SELLING AIR and other LIGHTWEIGHT OBJECTS - A Brit net chum sent me a news item on how the QUEEN OF ENGLAND and her family were selling  peerages over in UK, meaning dukedoms, lorddoms, ladydoms, vicountness-hoods, along with plenty of scrolls, seal rings and Heraldic  shields. THE QUEEN is SELLING RITZY NOBLE-NESS to folks who are so un-noble that they crave to be DEEMED noble.  He was all upset. I  told him to say HOORAY! To celebrate it! The Queen is surely a ROLE MODEL for us all. We should all do the same somehow... SELL AIR TO THOSE WHO WANT IT. SMile and sell it.

Most  money is made the dreary old fashioned way, by the the setting up and selling of some heavy merchandise that must be manufactured out of heavy elements, then painted, shined, packed, trucked, set up, bought, stored, moved again, painted again, POLISHED again and finally taxed...

You sell a peerage it's like selling air. The Crown gets top dollar and no sweat. Catholic CHurch once sold indulgences. Free pass to heaven for rich idiots. AIR. Not worth the air they were printed on, either. But hey it sounds good to me --compared to all that trucking of STUFF. I myself am in a biz where the merchandise is not heavy to lift. I get a xerox of your palm, I cast a circle, analyze it, cogitate briefly then email you your horoscope, natal, future. Get paid. AIR!

One of my gal pals has to bake cakes and make jam all week, pack her tent
in van for weekend farmers market, show up and build that thing, her
booth..spread out all the pies and jams. Stand in the sun all day. No
wonder she falls asleep on the freeway driving home. It would tucker ME
out! Too much STUFF.

My landlord has to visit 22 houses, fix pipes, tear out aged smelly
carpets, (I WISH,) prune the hedges, mow the lawns. and then collect the
RENTS. MAYBE Not Stuff but a lot of sweat and driving around. We need
businesses that are as far from STUFF / effort/ driving and as close to AIR
as is possible.

MOST people in business have to wrestle with STUFF. May I recommend to you
a business where the air goes out, the money rolls in?

CONSULTANCIES. ADVISORS, feng shui, shrinks, all superb HOT AIR
professions. Real Estate's a biggie. Sure it's stuff but you don't have to carry it around.
Just walk around it. You'll never need a gym either.

Sales is air. WORDS are air. DOing websites and then Putting ads on your websites
can make you huge money. I know of a funny lady comic blogger who makes 40k a
month just from online ads. Air out, money in. I forget her name but DOOCE is the
website's name. She's a young mother and writes about motherhood, kids, hubby.
Air can get stale, so go back to her first year, rather than the last five.

Upgrade the PURVEYING of hot AIR  to fields like journalism. Glen Beck,
an air  merchant  Supreme.

So mull over the career you want for yourself. Whatever you do, make sure there's
a HIGH AIR quotient to your business concept. And a LOW "STUFF quotient.