There's a lot of poverty, starvation and death in Latin America. In Brazil, the cops regularly shoot the children asleep in alleys at night, blaming them for street crime. In Haiti, children are turned out as beggars or sex workers.  By whom? Not parents, it seems but by their uncles and aunts. Understand,  there has been a century of starvation and death there. Even before the quake, life was cheap in Port Au Prince. When families inherit a dead relative's children, they put them out to beg,  prostitute themselves and make them sleep on the floor and even murder them. And it is socially acceptable. All of it. CNN even stumbled upon it this week:

Try to imagine what happens when a single parent dies in a Haitian ghetto. Sisters and brothers have to take over as parents to a lot of scruffy, hungry, needy kids. There has to be a lot of resentment toward the children. What if you inherited your dead sister's kids? Or your dead brother's children? Even in the best of times, could you treat them as well as you treat your own children? Well, there are no best of times in Haiti and in fact, inheriting orphans is justifable reason for the esclavitude and even murdering of small children.

Last week I was sneering at Reverend Pat Robertson for saying that Satan had a Pact with Haiti, but  I read up on the "resteavec" practices of Haitians just now (three sites below are a sampling,) and whereas I've changed my whole mind on this quake. Maybe God only gives an island what it ought to karmically go through.  What goes around comes around, ya know. The adults and the culture are the guilty ones; the children mistreated that way are blameless, but they exist and these practices exist. A friend cued me today to google this word  'restaveks' often spelled resteavec --I did. It turns out "reste" means "to stay" in French and AVEC means "with" ---meaning "stay with" someone.) So they're the "Stay with children".  Journalists have caught sight of these 'farmed out orphans' as thieves, beggars, sex slaves and written the phenomenon up.

There were hundreds of articles on the theme so this 7.0 on Port Au Prince was a KARMA QUAKE! And what ELSE this means is that those Haitian orphans already brought to America  last week are going to turn out somewhat like the Mariels,  the Cuban prisioners that Fidel sent here. Most remorseless criminals Florida ever saw. Remember Scarface? Pacino was a mariel in the beginning. And I'll add this. If I were an American parent who was going to adopt, I wouldn't get either a Rumanian or a Haitian child. The wood was bent too far when it was green. It's said (by Woody himself,) that SoonYi ate out of trash cans until she was three and Mia Farrow adopted her. A lot of love from a spiritual, wise mother but SoonYi still let Daddy seduce her. Mommy's boyfriend. She didn't have limits. That's bent wood.

I'll straighten out. Adopt me. Please!

If these three articles (part of dozens you can find if you google the term,) are telling the truth, then a good portion of those Haitian adult survivors are part of a pond scum culture and have poisoned the young around them. If they do reste avec practices to kids I don't want to know them much less adopt them. If this is true, and was this prevalent, can you see how this QUAKE was a  lightning bolt from an angry Heaven? Reverend Pat Robertson? I'm  sorry I called you demented last week. Pact with devil kinda sez it. The scary thing is that for the Haitians who live this way and DO this kind of inhumane treatment to children -- this quake probably is a beggar's  wetdream. They are going to exploit this til the twelfth of never.

I will never straighten out.
That's a promise.

After you research that term, with the journalists who've seen resteavec, and have seen how endemic the practices described are, -- tell me your opinion or intuitive feeling on the matter. Can all of these children be patched up, ever? Probably some can but not all. And hey ---do you want to vacation in HAITI while ACAPULCO, Fiji, Bali are still around?