It was one of the most feared regimes in the 20th century – Nazi Germany. The Third Reich began in 1933 and ended only in 1945 after Germany was defeated in World War II. Many individuals were persecuted in Nazi Germany. Routinely the German police would arrest astrologers for fortune telling. However, an interest in astrology grew, with many Germans recognising the importance of astrology not only as an art, but also for its importance to psychoanalysis. Numerous specialised books and pamphlets on astrology were published in Germany and there was one hippie dippie fellow who read them all, RUDOLPH HESS. Hitler's handsome chum.

While publicly the National Socialists may have persecuted many an astrologer, privately, men like Hitler, and his right hand best boy Rudy, as well as the Reichfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler ---were all in favor of consulting them. Did it prove well of them to do so? History recounts many instances in which the truth is revealed. Follow time through account after account of the Zodiac and the Swastika. HITLER had two stargazers, Some astrologers supported Hitler and his regime while others were more or less forced to cooperate. Wilhelm Theodor H. Wulff was a German astrologer who was required to work on the Ahnenerbe project. The project was founded by Heinrich Himmler, commander of the Schutzstaffel, also known as the SS. The project was to research the anthropological and cultural history of the Aryan race as well as search for mythical connections with Nordic ancestors and harness supernatural forces.

Wulff eventually became Himmler’s personal astrologer. But Himmler was not the only Nazi fascinated with astrology and the occult. Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy, also believed in astrology. However, Hess became
disillusioned with the war and fled to Scotland in 1941 to try to make a peace deal with the Brits. Hess was quickly arrested. Hitler stated that Hess had gone insane, and quickly had the Gestapo arrest all known
astrologers. The belief was that the astrologers had misguided Hess, eventually conspiring against him. Wulff was among those arrested and spent four months in a German concentration camp before being taken out to work on the Ahnenerbe project. ( a Hitler funded research bureau reputed to be interested in the occult.  )

Did Hitler Believe? It is not known for sure if Hitler himself believed
in astrology. However, his name became linked with Karl Ernst Krafft,
with many believing that Krafft was indeed Hitler’s personal astrologer.
Krafft was a Swiss astrologer who became friendly with many officials in
the Nazi party. He wrote to Dr. Heinrich Fesel on November 2, 1939 with
a prediction. Fesel was in charge of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, a
department that investigated enemies of the Third Reich including
communists, freemasons, Jews, and astrologers. Krafft told Fesel that
there would be an attempt on Hitler’s life. Fesel ignored the letter,
but on November 8th, a bomb exploded in a Munich beer hall. Hitler was
unharmed, but Fesel contacted Hess, who had Krafft arrested. He was
found innocent of any crime, but once he was released, Dr. Josef
Goebbels, leader of the Reich Propaganda ministry, contacted him.
Goebbels had recently become interested in Nostradamus and wanted Krafft
to decipher the quatrains to have a pro-German outlook. There were
thousands of pamphlets distributed with Krafft’s interpretation of the
quatrains, assuring Germans of a victory.

However, Krafft too was arrested after Hess’ flight and he spent a year
in prison. He wrote to a German official with a prediction that British
bombs would destroy the Propaganda ministry in Berlin. When the ministry
was destroyed, the official passed the letter on to the Gestapo, who
decided to send Krafft to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Krafft,
already in bad health, contracted typhus and died in 1945 on his way to
the camp.

Wulff made it though the war and in 1968 published Zodiac and Swastika:
Astrologer to Himmler’s Court. It will probably never be known the full
affect astrology had on Hitler’s Germany or the decisions of Nazi
leaders such as Hess and Himmler.

Karl Ernst Krafft was the other stargazer, a Swiss astrologer. He worked on the basis of astrology and graphology. (hand writing analysis) Krafft was a bright young man with a gift for the study of the planets and astrology. After graduating from college and majoring in mathematics, Krafft worked on a massive book called The Traits of Astro-Biology. Krafft's own theory of "Typocosmy", which is the prediction of future events based on the study of an individual's personality.

Referring to Germany in the years between 1933 and 1945, the Third Reich, later called the German Reich, was governed by the National Socialist German Workers Party with Adolf Hitler as chancellor and then Head of State. In the 1930's when Hitler came into power, swiss astrologer Krafft had gained a unique status among occultists and prophets in Germany. And attracted Rudolph Hess, a newage fellow, friend of Hitler.

Thru him, Krafft moved directly into the orbit of the high echelon of the National Socialist elite and in November of 1939 made a prediction. Krafft made a remark that Fuhrer's life would be in danger between the 7th and the 10th of that month. On November 8th, a bomb exploded at the Muchen beer hall. There were many injuries, but the man who was targeted, Adolf Hitler was unharmed. When newspapers reported the near catastrophe, Fesel dispatched a telegram to Hess, drawing attention to the prediction made by KRafft. Krafft was instantly arrested and brought to Gestapo headquarters in Berlin for questioning. After determining that Krafft was innocent, the Party began to rely on Krafft's predictions. Krafft became the astrologer for the Third Reich.

From 1939 until 1945, the Reich ruled Bohemia and Moravia as a protectorate, peacefully subjugated prior to the start of World War II. Krafft predicted that to be successful in the war, it must end in Germany in 1943. By the end of 1942, Germany was at the zenith of its victories, but after that date the full might of the allies with the
United States behind them could not fail to eventually swamp Germany. The territorial gains of the German Reich were reversed by the Allied Powers during the last part of the war and resulted in the Reich's total defeat in May of 1945.

HESS the only man who knew about Hitler's belief in stars escaped Germany and came to ENGLAND in 1941 and spilled everything to the ALLIES.  He told CHURCHILL exactly what was going on back in Berlin so guess what? Winnie hired his own  stargazer! SEE: http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=2718 ) Their astrologer would read the progressions and transits of ADOLPH and predict 'power days' that Adolph might use for attacks against the Allies so that they could be ready. They were just second guessing Hitler, not planning their own moves for power days to attack. So it wasn't Ludwig Von Wohl who didn't know jack about stars. If you believe the publicity machine, Louis De Wohl was the wartime astrologer employed by the British government to inform them, what advice the astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft was giving the Third Reich, and how astrology helped De Wohl win the war for Britain. We really have only his own written record on this, and history must dictate a closer look and a re-appraisal. Born Ludwig Von Wohl, on Jan 24th 1903 in Berlin, he like many Jews got into banking but his heart was in acting, he eventually found his way into writing small film scripts, and came to Britain as a Hungarian refugee, to offer his services, posing as one of Hitler’s astrologers, he claimed inside knowledge of Third Reich generals, and was taken on in Churchill’s Black team of occultists, eventually promoted to his own suite at the luxurious Grosvenor House Hotel in Park lane in 1940, and asked to produce horoscopes for both battle outcomes and the German high command. The hilarious aspect is, he didn't know how to cast a scope. Of course any stargazer could have taught him in a few hours. It was way more difficult back then as there were no computers to calculate it.  You had to use Ephemerides and calculate speed of planets' motion in a 24 hour day as Ephemeris only gave you position for one single minute in the day. Nevertheless, without being a real astrologer, DeWohl used this as a cover for his position as part of the I.R.D.or Information Research Dept’s dirty tricks brigade, producing anti-German literature. No doubt he had time to learn stars in his first few weeks on the job. So the guy who TAUGHT LOUIS stars in some garret in Chelsea, is the really interesting star of this movie! A PINK PANTHER type flick.

LOUIS had powerful friends, Litzi Friedman the wife of superspy Kim Philby, according to her wartime security file, she ran the local Jewish underground cell that assisted the Soviet cause. Philby was always fond of the idea of communism, it was idealistic sounding unless you got brigands like Stalin involved. Another chum, Abraham Gamse, under the name Abram Games, was Churchill’s producer of propaganda pictures and posters, and faked some superb photographs, Millionaire Phil Share ran safe houses, black marketeering and money laundering, Herbert Morrison who claimed to have the ear of Churchill all through the war when he was sober, ( Yuri Modin diaries ) was home office minister and a soviet sympathizer who was part of economic fund management, and a key link in the “Oneg Shabbat” ( wartime Jewish underground ) and it was when Morrison was Foreign secretary that the Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean Russian spy scandal exploded, it has never been discovered who warned them, but M I 6 is governed by the Foreign secretary, and the home office governs M I 5. Morrison had
dominion over both positions.

NOw, going back to HITLER's REAL STARGAZER, crack Swiss astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft --. Having been caught up in Hitler's fury over Hess' astonishing flight to Scotland in 1941, Krafft was in prison for a year
before being released. A few years later, Hitler would grab him again to send him to a concentration camp. Astrologers have been punished for bad work for centuries, but for accurate, good work? Go figure.  Second time they nabbed him, Karl Ernst Krafft died on January 8th 1945 on his way to the Buchenwald concentration camp...this not before he predicted that British bombs would soon destroy the Propaganda ministry in Berlin--- another true statement. So Hitler lived just long enough to realize he'd had a great stargazer by the hand AND sent him to his death AND lost the war. All in one big cognition. I love when that happens. So don't mistreat your stargazer, chum. You read your star dailies, TIP ME via astrology at earthlink net paypal address! Or you may lose some war of your own !